My 9 Month Blogging Journey Stats And Income Report
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.
I never thought I would type up a blog post specifically on my blogging journey stats or income report. But after writing my first income report, I felt like it would be beneficial for me in terms of keeping myself accountable while helping others gain insight.
Before I even launched Lifting Motherhood, other bloggers’ income reports were what inspired me to create my own blog. And during the very early months of blogging and still to this day, I turn to experienced bloggers’ blogging journey stats and income reports for motivation although every blogger’s journey is truly unique.
9 Month Blogging Journey Stats
My 9 month blogging stats and income report will be organized a little differently than the first blogging journey stats I published. I’ll include more numbers, screenshots, and bullet points to keep this one straight to the point.
Total Pageviews
If you want to check out my first 8 months of blogging journey, you can read that here. I go over the total page views from the very first month of my blogging journey up until my 8 months of blogging.
Previous Month (April)
Total Pageviews – 3,308
Month 9 (May)
Total Pageviews – 9,405
This was a pretty big jump from the previous month due to a couple of my pins going viral. I had quite a surge of traffic coming from Pinterest which helped my page views tremendously this month. As you can see these were my top 3 blog posts that contributed to the total pageviews for this month.
The Truth About Being A First Time Mother
The Only C Section Scar And Recovery Postpartum Guide You Need From A Fit Mama
10 crucial steps To Start Getting Rid Of Your C Section Shelf Now
Another win I should celebrate this month is that my organic traffic has increased meaning more clicks and pageviews. For those of you that don’t know what organic traffic is, it’s the traffic you get from search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
And “they” say it takes roughly 6 to 12 months to get out of the “Google Sandbox”. The Google sandbox refers to the time period where Google indexes your site and makes sure you are legit. And then allows your blog posts to rank on Google for readers to view.
Income reports are the fun part for readers. And I would know this because I was always surfing through the web and Pinterest (and totally still do) for other bloggers’ juicy income reports and how they got there. Well not to be a Debbie downer, but this income report is the furthest thing from being juicy. But let’s just hope my income reports increase as my blogging journey stats improve.
Do keep in mind that my income from my 9th month of blogging is not money that was deposited into my account. My Etsy sales did get deposited but affiliate sales typically take a few months and need to meet the minimum threshold for deposit.
1. Affiliates
- – $347.10
From April 24 – May 24
- Amazon Associates – $0.44
From April 24 – May 24
Haha y’all. We all have to start somewhere. And 44 cents is better than nothing. As you can see blogging is no “get-rich-quick” scheme. It is a long road but hard work and consistency will pay off. So hang in there and don’t quit!
- FlexOffers– $0
- ShareASale– $0
2. Own Products
- Etsy Store – $56.60
3. Ads
Another way bloggers make money is through putting ads all throughout their websites. I definitely plan on putting ads on my blog in the near future but will always think about my reader’s experience over revenue. Nobody enjoys spending their time closing through multiple pop-ads when they’re trying to enjoy a good blog post.
Total Subscribers – 55
I’m totally not going to lie. I’ve been neglecting my e-mail list for a while. So my total subscribers have been stagnant at 55. However, I did get a few new subscribers from my free 5-day home workout and fitness log opt-in form. And also from my new slide-in subscription box.
Getting subscribers is a working progress for me because I’m really not a pushy person so it’s a bit of a challenge. I believe it’ll take some time and lots of creative e-mail funnels.
If you’re wondering what e-mail system to use, I highly recommend ConvertKit. I had MailChimp initially and then switched over to ConvertKit due to it being more user-friendly, ability to easily create and embed beautiful custom-made opt-in forms, and being able to put together a variety of e-mail sequences for different forms.
- BlueHost – $4.99
I paid for a full year of hosting prior to launching Lifting Motherhood. And added the e-mail service that costs me a monthly fee of $4.99.
- ConvertKit – $29.00
ConverKit is the e-mail system I use to contact my subscribers (mentioned that earlier). They do have a free version of up to 1,000 subscribers. But I wanted to have access to all of the paid version perks that I hope will pay off in the future.
- Canva Pro – $12.95
I honestly have no idea what I would do without Canva Pro. Again, Canva has a free version but I wanted access to all of the pro features. This is where I create all of my pins, Youtube thumbnails, infographics, and more.
- Adobe Photoshop – $9.99
I’m a huge picture person and have a subscription to the Adobe Photography plan where it comes with Photoshop and Lightroom Classic. This is where I edit all of the photos I post throughout my social media avenues and my blog.
Social Following
Some of my social followings are going to be a rough estimate because I’m not able to customize a time range to look at how many followers or subscribers I had.
If you haven’t already, I’d love for you to follow or subscribe to any of the above social channels! Just click on the social and it’ll direct you right to my page. Over the next few months, I really hope to grow all of these social channels. I don’t necessarily have a target number that I want to hit but more so want to keep myself accountable so I can be consistent in posting in all of my social media accounts.
9 Month Blogging Journey Reflection
My 9 month blogging journey stats might not be the greatest to many bloggers but I’m definitely happy to see my hard work pay off. There was a 184% increase in traffic for the month of May and I’m still in shock that I even have people interested in reading my content.
It truly means the world to me that my readers are taking the time out of their day to read what I post and the time and effort I put into Lifting Motherhood aren’t all for nothing. Although I haven’t invested in a course this month, I have spent a great amount of time on Youtube and Google search, researching additional ways to increase traffic and revenue.
Goals For Next Month’s Blogging Journey Stats
I don’t have specific goals and stats I want to reach for next month. But I have a general idea of what I would like my 10th month of blogging to look like:
- Increase overall traffic
- Go back and optimize old posts
- Create more content (try to publish 4 new posts a week)
- Increase my following and subscribers to all of my social channels
- Post a new Youtube video each week
- Create a shop on Lifting Motherhood
- Increase revenue
I eventually would like to make become a full-time blogger and generate a full-time income. But for now, it’s nice to enjoy the blogging journey, making genuine connections with other bloggers, and reflecting on my blogging journey stats and income reports as I continue to grow. Thanks for reading y’all!