10 Month Blogging Stats And Mom Blog Google Analytics

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As I’m gathering up my 10 month blogging stats and blog google analytics, I can’t help but be in awe of how quickly these past 10 months have flown by. When people told me time flies after you have a baby, they weren’t lying. But so does when you’re blogging and juggling content creation, social media, and all of the background tech stuff that goes along with blogging.

I remember the first few months of blogging, I was wondering if I’d ever get sleep and be able to get through all of the ridiculous amounts of blogging information out there. And here I am, after 10 months of blogging, I am continuously learning something new every week.

If you’re a blogger and you’re reading this for more insight on what your blogging journey may or may not look like, I highly recommend you join a Facebook group. I can honestly say that being involved in blogging Facebook groups has somewhat contributed to my overall success this far (especially with the tech stuff).

And I’m not exactly talking about engagement Facebook groups. I recommend the blogging community Facebook groups where you can ask questions you may have about anything related to blogging, SEO, tech-related questions, and more. There are so many experienced and successful bloggers that are waiting to help blogging newbies such as myself.

pinterest pin 10 month blogging stats

10 Month Blogging Stats

In this blog post, I’ll go over all of my blogging stats from pageviews to my income report, expenses, social following stats, and more. And the only reason why I decided to start writing income reports is because of how much these income reports have helped me and motivated me to continue my blogging journey.

Also, I rarely was able to find income reports from mom bloggers. The only blogging stats and income reports I would find were from niches related to finances and blogging. And although I didn’t make thousands of dollars in my 10th month of blogging, I did make more money than none which still proves to me that you can totally make money online.

Total Pageviews

I have two other income reports and blogging stat posts if you’re interested in month-by-month blogging stats. The links will be below under “Related Posts”.

Previous Month (May)

Total Pageviews -9,405

9 month blogging progress

Read more about my 9th month of blogging here. I go over my google analytics more in detail and where the spike in traffic came from.

Month 10 (June)

Total Pageviews – 13,138

google analytics blogging

What I noticed in my 10th month of blogging was how consistent my traffic has been each day. Like I would have at least 100 users daily on my blog. And I was in shock because I remember thinking how I’d ever break that milestone. Or if I’d ever write interesting-enough content for people to even want to read my stuff!

As you can see on my 10th-month google analytics, I had a spike in traffic on June 7th and June 18th. I don’t count the majority of the traffic I got on June 7th because it was from “bots” and not real people. And I know this because when I looked deeper into my google analytics, the traffic source was organic search. Digging even deeper than that, the keyword used was related to a bot.

mom blog stats on google

So technically, I had a little less than 13k pageviews in my 10th month of blogging. And the majority of the spike of traffic on June 18th came from Pinterest.

Related Posts

My 9 Month Blogging Journey Stats And Income Report

My Very First Income Report And Everything I Learned In My First 8 Months Of Blogging – $582.81

An Inexperienced Mom Blogger’s 12 Month Blogging Journey And Income Report


Like I mentioned earlier, I didn’t make some crazy headline-worthy amount of money this month. However, I did make something rather than nothing. Which still proved not only myself wrong but also my husband that it is indeed, possible to make money online.

My total income for my 10th month of blogging was $394.71. And last month I made $404.14. That has a lot to do with my LiketoKnow.it sales since I didn’t make as much this month on that avenue of income. I also didn’t work on that affiliate as much either which is clearly reflected by the numbers. However, I did make up for the loss with the work I did with Oh Hey Mama Hair!

1. Affiliates

As you can see, I haven’t made any money from FlexOffers or ShareASale and this is something I am going to try and focus on this next month. I might need to invest in an affiliate marketing course but this is an area that I am still lacking in.

2. Own Products

I sell digital products on Etsy (click the link to check it out). And I’ve made consistent revenue on there. However, I’ve neglected it a little bit and haven’t made any new products to add.

3. Ads

  • Ezoic – $5.59

I decided to go with Ezoic after a long while debating with myself if I want to put ads on my website or just wait until I get accepted into Mediavine. But overall, I’ve been extremely satisfied with the customer service and


Total Subscribers – 76

I’m still working on my subscribers. And I feel like I should have implemented the slide in subscription forms way before because that’s what has helped me increase my subscribers.


  • BlueHost – $4.99
  • Canva Pro – $12.95

The BlueHost expense is for the e-mail service I pay monthly. And ConvertKit is what I use to send out e-mails to my subscribers. I originally had MailChimp and switched over to ConvertKit and have loved it ever since.

Canva Pro is where I create my pins and Youtube thumbnails. They have a free option but it is a bit limited. Adobe Photoshop is what I use to create and edit images for all of my social media accounts along with this blog.

Social Following

There’s definitely been an increase in the number of followers across all of my social media accounts. Even if it’s just a few more followers, it’s still progress. However, I do hope to really increase the number of Youtube subscribers this upcoming month!

If you haven’t already, click on the links to each of my social media, and don’t forget to give me a follow!

10 Month Blogging Stats Reflection

What I’m Proud of

I always think of things I’m proud of or wish I would have done better throughout the weeks. And then when the time comes (like now), I have to sit back and really reflect on my blogging stats and google analytics.

What I’m most proud of is how consistent I’ve been in making sure I get new blog posts put out. I think that can be the hardest thing to do sometimes when you have other things constantly going on around you.

I’m also proud of getting myself out there on Youtube because I’m a bit video shy and don’t like to hear or record myself talking. It took me literally forever to get my first video out and if you watch it, it’s actually pretty cringy. But I like to think I got a little better since the first video.

And lastly, I am proud of constantly striving to learn more about blogging, how to be a successful blogger, and just continuing to push through all the times that have made me contemplate this whole blogging journey.

What I Could’ve Done Better

I definitely could have done better with my time management. Sometimes, I like to think I can get everything done all at once but that actually backfires on me. This is because I’ll get do one thing, stop and do another thing, and sometimes (but rarely) never come back to it to finish.

I plan on creating a content calendar for all of my Instagram posts, blog posts, Youtube videos, and other things like eventually creating my own digital course. Sometimes, it can be hard juggling all avenues connected to the blog that it takes time and attention away from what I truly need to work on such as writing fresh content, creating more e-mail funnels, and working on my affiliate marketing strategies.

Goals For Next Month’s Blogging Stats

But I do hope that I continue to see exponential growth from this blog and all of the other social media accounts as long as I’m putting in the work to do so. It’s been so humbling to see my pageviews increase as much as they did from May (9th month of blogging) to June (10th month of blogging).

And I want to one day look back (specifically at my blogging stats like this one) and think all of my hard work and being glued to my laptop was worth it. I hope this blog post was somewhat inspirational and gave you the motivation you needed to continue your blogging journey!

mom blogger progress pageviews

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