Important Reasons Why You Should Consider Having A Gender Reveal Party
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When I was pregnant with my first baby, Emory, I knew I couldn’t wait to find out the gender until the 20 week anatomy scan. Looking back now there was just no way I was going to wait for a gender reveal party to find out what we were having.
Why We Didn’t Have A Gender Party
I was actually so impatient to find out the gender of my sweet baby that I took the Sneak Peek test (at-home gender test) at 8 weeks pregnant.
I was incredibly anxious when I saw that Sneak Peek had e-mailed me. And if I remember correctly, it only took about a week to get my results.
And just like that I found out I was having a baby girl.
We did a private ultrasound at 15 weeks pregnant with my husband, mother-in-law, and niece to see our growing baby and to also confirm the Sneak Peek test results!
Clearly my impatient self couldn’t wait long enough to even have a gender reveal party. That’s why for my second and third baby, a gender reveal party was a must.
For my second baby, Kennedy, we had a very rough pregnancy with various health concerns and high-risk results from the quadruple marker test.
My friends asked my husband and I if we were wanting to do a gender reveal and we were like absolutely. And so my husband and I went to the same private ultrasound place we went for Emory to find out the gender for Kennedy.
But this time, they called my best friend to let her know what we were having. That way, she and our other friends were able to get the necessary gender reveal party supplies.
You can watch our gender reveal down below (please don’t forget to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel that I will be growing very soon).
5 Reasons Why You Should Throw A Gender Reveal Party
I may or may not be convincing you to have a gender reveal party but just hear me out.
Since I have experience finding out the gender of my baby from an at home Sneak Peek test (aka not having a gender party) AND having a gender reveal party, I’d love to share some personal insight.
1. The suspense is exciting and it’s not as long as waiting until birth.
I’m not sure how some women wait until birth to find out the gender. I’m pretty sure it’s called “team green” when you find out the gender of your baby until birth.
I mean ultrasounds weren’t used in obstetrics until the 1960’s so generations after generations have been team green.
Having a gender reveal party is that perfect midway pregnancy excitement.
The suspense is exhilarating. I had so many emotions leading up to our gender reveal.
And once we found out, we were able to spend the rest of the pregnancy talking about names, doing a lot of shopping, and really connecting with my baby.
2. It’s an opportunity to bring friends and family together to celebrate.
Life gets really busy when you’re adults. And we often times go way too long without getting together with our friends and family.
Thanksgiving and Christmas don’t have to be the only holidays we see our friends and family. A gender reveal party is the perfect opportunity to bring everyone together.
There’s so many e-invites, Facebook event invitations, and text invitations you can send like this one gender reveal text invitation that is easily editable and also very convenient. You can also include your baby registry.
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3. A gender reveal can be a glimpse of happiness for a woman going through a rough pregnancy.
A lot of us go through very rough pregnancies. And some of the more unfortunate pregnant women don’t seem to catch a break especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Being excited about a gender reveal party could be exactly what you need as a little encouragement.
4. It’s a memorable experience that you’ll look back on years down the road.
I will never forget the two gender reveal parties our friends threw for us. And the best thing about them both was being able to celebrate with friends.
Whether you film your gender reveal, hire a local photographer, or even have a friend take some photos, you’ll want to print them out to add to your baby book.
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5. The moment feels unbelievably special.
It may sound weird to some people, but having a gender reveal made me feel like I learned a new thing about the baby I was growing inside of my belly.
And I will forever be thankful for my friends who threw our gender reveal party because it’s not something you’ll be able to do unless you’re pregnant.
I low key feel bad that I didn’t do anything big for my first baby (in terms of gender reveal).
But I did surprise my husband with a balloon with pink glitter inside the balloon so that when he popped it, he would know we were having a girl……
….well at least that’s the result I was hoping for lol.
My sweet little last minute gender reveal surprise for my husband was a fail.
I got a multi-color balloon that looked black when it wasn’t blown up but when I blew it up, it was pink (lol). AND I could barely feed the pink glitter into the balloon because half of it would get stuck on the inner walls of the balloon.
So when he went to go pop it, nothing really came out but just a few specks of pink glitter that somehow magically got through. And I’m pretty sure the man was confused at the blatantly pink balloon he was popping hahaha.
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Watch Our Gender Reveal For Our Second Baby
I’d super duper appreciate it if you liked and subscribed to my channel so I can continue making more videos to share with you! And let me know what you thought about our gender reveal idea in the comments.
You can also watch a short clip from our second gender reveal party with our third baby on my Instagram here.
Final Thoughts
A gender reveal party is a fun way to celebrate the gender of a baby. And it’s just another one of those exciting things about pregnancies.
We get a reason to gather our friends and family, eat good food, and surround ourselves with good company.
You can send super cute invitations out through text message or a Facebook event. AND you might as well add your baby registry and even do a diaper raffle so that you can stock up for your baby.
I hope you enjoyed this read and the video!
Check out my list of 20 Unique Gender Reveal Ideas!