Stay At Home Mom Tips to a Productive Day
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It’s too easy to let the day slip as a stay at home mom. The day gets ahead of you and somehow it’s 4 in the afternoon.
What makes a productive day can be subjective. It might look one way to me and look a whole lot different to you. But in this blog post I am going to lay out some basic strategies to stay on top of the day and week.
1. Create a List
There’s nothing more satisfying than crossing out something on your to-do list. As a stay at home mom with a type A personality, I thrive off of lists.
On this list, I highly recommend dividing the board into daily tasks and weekly tasks. Ask yourself what needs to get done today and what needs to get done by the end of the week..
Now, we can break it down even further. Instead of writing “clean the bathroom” for your daily task, you can write “scrub the toilet” or “wipe down the counters”. This way you aren’t overloaded and can focus on very specific tasks at a time.
You can write errands or other tasks that need to be done by the end of the week. Whether it is to call and make a doctor appointment or meal prep.
Keep in mind to be as realistic as you possibly can when creating your list.
You might be a notepad type of girl and if that’s you, here is a really good to help you stay productive. And if you’re a dry erase board kind of gal like myself, this is a good one for your fridge!
2. Prioritize Your List
Prioritize your list from most important to least important. What NEEDS to get done by the end of the day and what can possibly be postponed to the following day.
Look at the time urgency of each task and errand when prioritizing your list! Some days when I don’t have as many tasks to do for the day, I organize my list by the quickest task to a task that might take several hours.
3. Take Advantage of Technology
There are several apps like Trello, Monday, Todoist or Google Calendar to manage tasks and help set reminders.
A really big thing I like to do is set my phone on Do Not Disturb if I know I don’t have any important calls coming in that day. Your phone could work against you when you are trying to achieve a productive day as a stay at home mom.
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4. Be Flexible
Some things are out of your control. And life can become a little unpredictable.
For example, you or your children could come down with a cold. Allow flexibility and don’t let it bring you down!
5. Make it a Routine
Make your list a daily thing. Have a set routine each day where you have time blocked off for cleaning and running errands. Set some time to the side for your mental and physical health.
I always find myself very productive and on top of my day when I stick to my routine.
6. Seek Help
Have you ever heard that “it takes a village”? Well it truly does.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help or delegate a task to your spouse. As a stay at home mom, people might think we have all the time in the world but that is not always the case.
7. Reflect and Adjust
Is there something about the routine that didn’t work out? Scratch it and adjust!
Not everything is going to be peachy and smooth the first time around. Reflecting on your daily and weekly tasks along with the routine you have come up with is a great idea to make this a long term habit.
Adjust where it needs to be adjusted and keep building from it!
Stay At Home Mom Tips
I hope these productivity tips help you in your sahm (stay at home mom) motherhood journey. Celebrate the small wins. Small steps lead to big results! Don’t forget to let me know which productivity tip helped you the most in the comments below.

I really need to listen to these tips! I’m always trying to over do it as a mom.
Yes it’s definitely a struggle! But it’s okay to not get everything done in one day mama!
This schedule is very practical! Wish I had this when my kiddo was younger! Thank you for sharing!’
Glad you thought so! Thanks for reading!
Schedules are very important, both for kids and parents. Ours definitely changed from when we were all leaving the house to being with one another all day everyday. I definitely learned to be realistic with my expectations.
I think that’s the key to making each day successful- it’s to have realistic expectations.