20 Tips To Increase Productivity As A Stay At Home Mom

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Can we agree that stay at home moms are underestimated? Being at home with our babies is a huge blessing but it can be challenging mentally. Especially when there’s so much to get done around the house but you are overstimulated being a mom. This is why I have the perfect tips to help increase productivity in your home.

20 Tips To Increase Productivity As A Stay At Home Mom

Don’t be surprised if you’re already using one or several of these on the list to help increase your productivity each day.

1. Get up early

It’s a little ironic that I put this one as my number one (which honestly none of these are in any particular order). Because I am notorious for not setting an alarm and just waking up when my baby wakes up.

However, I do notice how productive my day is when I wake up around 7 or 8 am versus 9 or 10 am. Those extra couple of hours can be spent jumpstarting your day without feeling rushed.

2. Don’t get on your phone immediately

I know that might be your routine but most of the time, this can hinder your productivity. All of your social media can become a blackhole and you’ll lose all productivity before you know it.

So if you know yourself and you really want to increase your productivity, then don’t even touch your phone besides to turn off your alarm! Get up and get your morning routine going.

3. Prioritize your coffee

increase productivity drinking coffee

You might forget to drink coffee on some days. Or you might just not be a coffee drinker. If you’re not a coffee drinker, then prioritize a full glass of water.

Something as small as prioritizing a morning beverage can mentally put you on the right track for the rest of the day.

4. Get on a workout routine

Exercise can improve your ability to focus and improve your mood and make you feel less depressed. It will help you stay motivated to get tasks done.

5. Write down a to-do list

This is a MUST out of all the tip to increase productivity. And I don’t know what I would do without my to-do list. I love sitting down each morning with my coffee and write out my to-do list for the day!

6. Eat breakfast

You need the energy to be productive. Which means you need to make sure to eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast makes me feel like I missed a very important step to my morning routine.

If you don’t have time to make breakfast each morning, you could always make protein shakes (my favorite protein brand) or protein bars!

7. Take your vitamins

What better way to start off a productive day by taking your multi vitamins! Here’s a really good way to stay on top of your meds or vitamins throughout the week and refill every Sunday.

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8. Create a set schedule for chores around the house

Write down everything you need to get done this week in order by importance. Then, break it up into what you’re going to be doing each day of the week. This way you’re on top of it and have already planned out your week of chores and tasks to get done.

9. Schedule your dinners every Sunday

Sundays are for planning. Sit down and plan out your dinner or even all 3 meals for the whole week. Make sure you take your meats out the night before (or however you like to prep your meals). And just stay on top of it.

10. Get all of the tasks you’re least likely to do first

Ugh, there are definitely things I don’t like doing. Two of my least favorite chores are cleaning the bathroom and folding laundry. I can vacuum all day every day or scrub the fridge. But I’m not about cleaning bathrooms.

So instead of putting those at the bottom of your to-do list for the week. Put them up top and see how that goes.

11. Do majority of your to-do list at the beginning of the day

vacuum increase your productivity mom

This is golden. I tend to slack off toward the latter part of the day when my husband is about to come home and I know I have to cook dinner.

Get things done in the first half of the day so you don’t have to worry about rushing to get the rest of your chores or tasks done by the end of day.

12. Delegate chores

If there are things that your kids or husband can do, delegate it to them. This is a great learning experience for kids. And also a great way for your husband to help out so you don’t feel as stressed.

13. Don’t get on your phone until everything is done

It’s too easy to get into the blackhole of social media the moment you pick up your phone. So limit your screen time (lol). Wait until you have gotten at least 75% of your to-do list done to reward yourself with whatever you want to do on your phone.

14. Do a quick pick-up around the house before bed

I always do this before I go to sleep. Waking up to a messy house is one of my pet peeves. I make sure to tidy up my couch, throw blankets, pick up all of the toys off the ground, and clear up my dining room table that likes to collect a bunch of miscellaneous stuff.

15. Stay on top of your day

You can’t let yourself drown. Stay on top of your day, reward yourself with coffee. And increase your productivity with these tips to keep you motivated throughout the day.

16. Create a 10 to 15-minute break throughout the day

And don’t forget to set a timer. This would be a perfect time to use the bathroom, get your phone fix in, and rest up before you mark off more things off your to-do list.

17. Turn on motivational music or podcast

Sometimes all you need is a little music or a motivational podcast to get you out of your funk and get you moving.

18. Organize your chores by room and each day of the week

I’m a huge ‘I-like-to-get-everything-done-all-at-once’ type of person and that’s just not feasible. So I know one way to get me out of that mindset is to schedule to clean one room on one day of the week. For example, I’ll choose to clean the bedroom, wash linens, fold laundry, and other stuff on a Monday. And I’ll clean the living room, wipe down the blinds, vacuum on a Tuesday.

19. Get mentally into being productive and enjoy it

It’s seriously all mental. If you’re not ‘feeling’ like doing something, then you’re most likely not going to end up doing it. Changing your mentality about chores and things that need to get done more positively can lead you to be more productive.

20. Be realistic and be consistent

Don’t overwhelm yourself with more than what you can handle. The biggest thing is to be realistic with your expectations and be consistent.

Final Thoughts

I hope these ways to increase productivity help you stay on top of things much better! Love To Frugal mentions doing some chores the night before and that’s a great way to take the load off your day!

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